Restaurant Noise Review: The Cheesecake Factory

The Cheesecake Factory: Durham, NC, Saturday, October 3, 7:30 pm
Restaurant Noise Decibel Rating: 78 dB
Sound Equivalent: Washing Machine
Conversation: Raised voices necessary
Comments: The restaurant was crowded and noise was bouncing around in all directions: the open bar, patrons waiting to be seated as well as full dining tables all contributing to the noise overload. Fortunately, we were seated in a booth away from the bar and waiting area – which helped subdue the overall noise levels. This was “peak” dining time with the noise to prove it. Surprisingly – once we were in the booth, we were able to converse with only a few repetitions and raised voices. The upholstered booths were able to isolate some of the noise from the open bar and waiting patrons. Enjoyed the food, but would recommend off-peak hours if you want an easier time conversing together during dinner!