Motorcycle Hearing Protection2019-05-30T19:34:22+00:00

Motorcycle earplugs and monitors can improve your ride! Custom earplugs and In-ear Monitors can reduce rider discomfort, tension and wind noise. Custom earplugs can also improve your ability to hear important environmental sounds (sirens, radar detectors, passenger communication).

Wind noise produced when riding a motorcycle can muffle your hearing, cause tinnitus and make you more sensitive to sounds after your ride.  Don’t let your motorcycle rides cause disturbing tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or permanent hearing loss.

There are earplugs and that work without plugging or stuffing up your ears!  Custom Musicians Earplugs can help extend the comfort of your ride without the stress of wind noise.

While the inexpensive foam plugs reduce some noise well, they do not reduce it evenly and is much less effective in the low frequencies where wind noise occurs. The foam earplugs also cause too much reduction in the high frequencies which makes communication difficult and hearing important environmental sounds troublesome.

Custom Musicians Earplugs were designed originally for musicians at risk for hearing loss who needed protection without distorting sounds.  Musicians Earplugs are custom-fitted earplugs.  This means an ear impression is required to make the earplug comfortably fit the size and shape of your ear.

They are made of a soft silicone material and contains an active filter which reduces wind noise without muffling and distorting other sounds. These are the same earplugs used by many pro football teams to address crowd noise interference.

In-Ear Monitors:

Want to enjoy your music on your ride?  In-ear monitors (IEMs) are custom earphones used by audiophiles and motorcyclists to listen to music with good isolation in noisy environments.

They are custom-fit, provide a high level of noise reduction and maintain fidelity and comfort.  There are many options available, and it is important to select the right in-ear monitor to meet your needs.

Factors that affect noise on your ride:

  • Below 30 mph, most noise is not wind related and is machine-related.  This noise may be reduced by some helmets and/or wearing earplugs.
  • Above 30 mph, wind noise is the dominating source of noise for the rider – and requires the use of earplugs as helmets exacerbate the wind noise.

Wind noise factors:

Type of helmet:  Full-face helmets are quieter than “skull caps”, half-helmets and three-quarter face helmets.

Helmet design and aerodynamics:  Venting inside the helmet influences air flow – causing wind noise.  External protrusions (ridges, fins) causes more turbulence and therefore more wind noise.

The use of custom Musicians Earplugs allows for extended, longer, safer rides without risk to hearing!  We can help prevent unnecessary hearing loss from recreational motorcycle rides. Contact our office at 919-968-7556 or schedule an appointment online today!



Awesome to work with an audiologist who digs musicians
“As a musician, my general experience with audiologists is that they don’t know much about the needs of a musician, which are different than an old guy who needs a hearing aid. But dudes, Anita Carroll breaks that stereotype! She was right on it. Anita made me some awesome custom in-ear monitor sleeves that I wear on stage now and they’re perfect. She had some sweet information to share about what to look out for in terms of hearing damage in the music world. Definitely coming back to her for my next set of molds! Cheers mates.”


A Very Satisfied Musician
“From start to finish, I was very pleased with the service I received from Anita Carroll. I record and perform rock music in clubs on the east coast and I’ve regrettably neglected the best hearing protection. I visited Anita and she took custom moldings and turned them into Sensaphonic earplugs. They fit perfectly. I can now hear everything I need to–at a safe volume–without damaging my ears.”


I highly recommend Anita Carroll for anyone who has a hearing defect
“I highly recommend Anita Carroll for anyone who has a hearing defect. Thank you, Anita, for being true and loyal to your profession, but even more for your understanding, patience, dedication and sensitivity to the needs of hearing-impaired people.”


Anita loves her work and it shows!
“Anita loves her work and it shows. She will do everything possible to determine the proper hearing aid needed. She will fit it perfectly! She is always helpful and capable. Anita — I thank God for you!”


Experience is the best I’ve had!
“Service is unsurpassed and my experience is the best I’ve had!”


Great service, fantastic atmosphere!
“I recently went to Hearing Solutions with my grandson to get repairs done on my hearing aids. Boy, was I surprised to find that the service was phenomenal, and the price was really quite reasonable. Soothing piano tones welcomed my ears after the repairs were completed. Also, the lobby books were informative, particularly the Andy Goldsworthy book, which opened my eyes to the world of outdoor natural sculpture. What a gal, Anita Carroll!”


My Hearing Aids Totally Changed My Life! 
“My hearing aids have totally changed my life: social, work and home. Eating out is a pleasure again. Not only do I hear the waitress ask how I want my steak cooked but I can hear my wife talking softly across the table from me. Before hearing aids the background noise could be so distracting that I could not distinguish the sounds and voices near me. Working in the courtroom is so different now. From the Judge on the bench, to the person beside me, to the person walking by, or even someone behind me they are all clear and understandable. Sometimes things or people beside me may be loud and I really need to hear someone on the other side so I touch a button on the hearing aid to bring them in clearly – eavesdropping is such fun – I just love it! My wife even likes them. She thinks I’m listening and paying better attention because I hear her the first time even when she walks by and on out of the room (maybe it’s me that likes them!).”


My hearing aids have truly been a blessing
“I can’t thank you enough for the caring service which you have given me over the years. My hearing aids have truly been a blessing — I can now enjoy theatre, music, and dinners out with a crowd.”


Thank you for all of your help with my mother. She really liked you and had a high regard for you. Your help with my mother made her last years a whole lot better because she was able to hear!


Anita Carroll – Chapel Hill
“Anita has been my audiologist from day one. When she became associated with Hearing Solutions, I did not hesitate to call her. I am extremely satisfied with her professional experience and expertise in dealing with my hearing aid needs. When we hit a snag in the process of adjusting the new aids to my satisfaction, she found the solution. I highly recommend Anita and Hearing Solutions to everyone. Thank you.”


Great Service!
“My hearing aid was stopped up and not working so I called to see if she could fix it. She got me in right away and knew what to do. She replaced some parts and cleaned it up and it was ready to go -and I could hear my family I had come to visit. Nice place and friendly service. Will come back for more,”


“I contacted Anita Carroll because I knew little about hearing aids and wanted professional guidance with my decisions. After two months with Dr. Carroll I know that I made the right decision. Dr. Carroll has been patient teaching me what I needed to know to get the maximun benefit from my new hearing aids.”


The difference between day and twilight
I am 72 and have been wearing hearing aids for 5 years. In addition to being lots of fun to work with, Anita clearly knows her stuff, understands hearing loss, has lots of patience, and returns calls promptly. Her office is small and you don’t feel like a number, or that you are being rushed. She is further from me than Duke and their audiologists, but it is worth the extra time and gas to get there. I say “twilight” in my title, because I DO hear, but didn’t always understand. Now I know what’s going on behind me and on all sides. I am blessed to be able to get State Of The Art hearing aids at this time in my life! The concert in Chapel Hill was fabulous and we were in the second to the last row. Dinner beforehand was noisy, but I no longer am disconcerted by background noise. I can concentrate easily, and at the Fitness Center have no trouble with hearing the instructor. No longer am I self conscious about feeling young but “looking older” because of my hearing aids. Remember “your hearing loss is more noticeable than your hearing aids”


I really appreciate the extra time and attention!
“I really appreciated the extra time and attention Anita took to make sure I got the best possible result from my hearing aids. I honestly can’t imagine what I would have done without her help.”


Lost without my hearing aid
“At age 48, I received my first hearing aids. Twenty-three years later, Anita Carroll is still my audiologist. From the start, my adjustment was easy thanks to Anita’s highly personalized service – and her beautiful laugh makes any day better. Recently, I lost my hearing aid while voting. Until I could buy a new one, I decided to tough it out without a loaner, even though my hearing in that ear is minimal. Then one morning Anita called me: “someone at the voting precinct has found your aid.” I left that minute and drove 20 miles to the county seat. Sitting in the parking lot, I put the aid back into my ear and gorgeous stereophonic sound flooded my happy ears. That brought home just how shrunken my life had become during those weeks of muffled sound and misunderstandings. Timers on the stove: unnoticed. A beautiful solo at church: unheard. My granddaughter’s happy little face: puzzled. How did my aid get back to me? A savvy county employee checked the serial number and that led her to Anita Carroll’s office. I owe so much: to that kind worker, and to Anita.”


Every musician should get a hearing test
“I began to experience the first signs of tinnitus a few months ago and decided that it was time to see an audiologist. I’ve been playing music since elementary school and started playing in loud rock bands in High School. I looked around for a good audiologist and found Anita Carroll. She was a very good and professional audiologist. I got an appointment in a reasonable time. She recommended that I invest in some musicians earplugs which I did. She was able to take ear-molds at my initial appointment. I received my new ear plugs in just a few weeks. Overall I am very happy with the whole experience and I really enjoy my new ear plugs (it’s really amazing what a difference they make!)”


Can you hear me now?
This may be a joke to some but those of us with hearing loss don’t really think it’s funny! With my new hearing aids, technology has come a long way! i heard every word my teacher said in a lecture..for the first time !! Anita Carroll has worked with me to maximize my use of the new technology in hearing aids. In a noisy situation I reached up for the magic button on top of aid, noise went right down in volume !! Just remember to disconnect it when your environment changes !!! If you are considering updating your hearing aids, I say “go for it “hear again !! you’re worth it.


Hearing aids for a retired person
“My experience was all good. The tests to evaluate my hearing loss, which is mild to severe, were thorough and the aids have been all I could want. I was amazed at how much I had been missing. It is really pleasurable to attend meetings of my knit and crochet group because I hear all the conversations, and can participate in discussions. When I go to my workout circuit training, again I hear all that goes on. In cars, it is so good to hear without straining, or asking to have something repeated. Now, I feel that I can speak up if i miss a word, because the other person was not enunciating clearly, and they apologize! I think I am becoming more outgoing because I feel free to enter a comment and respond. If you are having trouble at social occa?ions and meetings because of hearing loss, do yourself and others a BIG favor, get tested and get a hearing aid!”


Effective solution to a musician’s problem!
“As a pianist practicing daily on a beautiful but loud Steinway Grand and playing ensemble with other loud instruments like trumpets, I had run into a worrisome problem. My piano playing was aggravating my hearing loss and tinnitus. Furthermore, I had developed a sensitivity to loud sounds, which was seriously interfering with my musical pleasure. Yet for me discontinuing music was not acceptable. I had taken my problem to Duke Audiology, but they could not come up with an effective solution. Anita came to the rescue! She fitted me with musicians’ earplugs, and they work beautifully. Now I can hear my music and that of my colleagues without the unpleasant side effects. She also was very helpful with other aspects of my hearing problem, including management of my hearing aids.”


There’s Only One Way To Rock
“I play in a rock band and we like to play loud. After years of struggling to find a balance between protecting my ears and hearing the nuances of the music being played, I’m thrilled the problem is solved with my custom earplugs. I was very impressed with the detailed assessment Anita conducted as part of the fitting process. She knows the right questions to ask gigging musicians. She is a total professional and I highly recommend Hearing Solutions in the Triangle.”


My hearing aids
“Since acquiring my hearings aids from your office, my quality of life has improved in several ways. I am most grateful for your encouraging spirit, continuing support and professional assistance during my followup visits to your office. I also appreciate your prompt and effective response to my occasional calls to you.”


A Wonderful Experience!
“Anita Carroll started on time, was knowledgeable, smart, efficient, and friendly. I have been going to Duke Audiology for the last ten years but am glad I switched. Duke’s care was fine, but Anita clearly loves her work and it shows. And her office is more convenient, has free parking, and offers the kind of personal care that only a small practice can offer. She was very willing to answer all my questions and explained various hearing aid options. and she talked to the dispensary and put me on the line and everything was taken care of in one visit.”


I’m very satisfied
“I am very satisfied and have recommended your service to others”


I am so pleased with your thorough analysis of my hearing problem. You prescribed exactly the type of hearing device I needed. Your training and follow up visits have been very helpful. Now I rarely need to ask anyone to repeat their comments. When in a crowded restaurant or in church, I am much more confident and comfortable. Thank you so much for your competent and professional services.


High quality audiologist and hearing aid provider
“Anita Carroll is a highly professional audiologist and hearing aid dispenser. Anita sells products from several major manufacturers, which helps assure that your needs are met. She fits the device to the person, rather than fitting the person to the hearing aid. She is clearly very dedicated to the art and science of helping people manage their hearing and has been very accommodating. Her “I’m in charge here” manner may be offputting at times, but it comes from a desire to see that things are done right.”

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