Restaurant Noise Review: Lucia

Lucia Bar Italiano: Durham, NC, Saturday, November 7, 2015, 7:30 pm
Restaurant Noise Decibel Rating: 79 dB
Sound Equivalent: City Traffic
Conversation: Raised voices necessary
Comments: Restaurant noise interferes with conversation. Lucia’s is a delightful open area restaurant with very high ceilings and wide expanse of windows reflecting on mirrors – all of which create poor acoustics for conversation. The open bar created additional noise that echoed throughout the dining area. When asked for a quiet location, we were seated in a corner booth away from the bar and center tables. Yet, even though we were in a corner booth, it was difficult to hear each other. Frequent repetitions were necessary along with raised voices. We were there to celebrate an event, yet could not engage each other in meaningful conversation. Enjoyed the food but would recommend going at a less busy time if you desire conversation.