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There are many “faces” of hearing wellness so we highlight Maya S. as she shares her hearing journey for our ‘Ears’ of HEARING SOLUTIONS blog.

Maya thought she was “too young” to have hearing problems and ignored it for a while. She began to lose confidence at work and her husband noticed at home. She was working hard to hear everything and was fatigued from trying to hear.   Read her words below:

  • I noticed in my late 30s that I had some difficulty hearing but didn’t think it could be the case. It turns out that I was experiencing early mild hearing loss during those years. 
  • I found myself working hard to hear and this impacted me both at home and in the workplace, where I felt that I was missing critical pieces of information. 
  • Anita Carroll is a great Audiologist. She diagnosed my hearing deficit and provide me with recommendations for a great hearing aid. She additionally saw me multiple times afterwards to ensure that the sound and fit were optimal.
  • I am more confident at the workplace as well as in other settings due to this and highly recommend her to others! The most fun part of this was being able to understand my adorable 3-year-old niece for the first time, since she speaks so softly. Yey!”

What has been your hearing journey? We’d love to hear from you!  Stay tuned and learn from our highlight next month in our ‘Ears of Hearing Solutions!

Make hearing a priority and you will be a better listener, better worker and enjoy better relationships with less stress.

Dr. Anita Carroll is a licensed Audiologist and owner of Hearing Solutions in the Triangle, PLLC with over 25 years of experience. Need some hearing aid tips – she can be contacted here.  If you’re looking to test hearing or improve listening skills visit our online scheduling here. 

Take a moment and download Dr. Anita’s 30 Day Hearing Report that will give you quick, practical ways to improve your listening and hearing skills.