The inner ear is sensitive to blood flow. It needs a rich blood supply for proper function. One tiny artery provides the blood to the inner ear. Consistent blood flow is critical to keep hearing healthy. Any blockage or blood flow issues can cause permanent damage to the ear. It reduces oxygen and nutrients to the inner ear.
Good cardiovascular health is important for hearing ability. High blood pressure can accelerate hearing loss. As blood pressure increases, hearing decreases from the damaged artery walls. High cholesterol also affects your hearing. As your diet increases in cholesterol, so does your chance of having hearing loss. Smoking restricts blood vessels and can also impact hearing.
February is American Heart Month! Your heart, your health and your hearing are all connected. Keep your hearing and your overall health in top shape with diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Get a baseline hearing check to be sure it is in good condition and stays that way!
Dr. Anita Carroll is a licensed Audiologist and owner of Hearing Solutions in the Triangle, PLLC with over 25 years of experience. Need some hearing aid tips – she can be contacted here. If you’re looking to test hearing or improve listening skills visit our online scheduling here.